Cloud computing was the famous term that is used today , ofcourse most of the people heard about it , but only a few know what it really was and about its use , it was cool !

Definition : Cloud computing was a provision of computational resources.

You can access everything and ofcourse anything there.That may including storing your data , buying or selling products online , video chatting , teaching and learning online , what not simply its a world.There were many companies offering this service , the top 2 were :

Here you can store your data with high security , more features are offered.The Amazon EC2 offers 5GB of free space and 2GB max file size where as salesforce offers 100MB size and free trial for 30 days , if you does not go pro in salesforce , then your data will be not accessed , once you paid for it , you can access your old data , the data will not be deleted but you cant access it.